Diduo Zhang

MSc Medicinal and Biological Chemistry 2021

Your Time at the University

During my undergraduate studies at Beijing Normal University, I developed my interest in medicinal chemistry because of its great application, potential and social value. When I was choosing my way, I found this programme, which seemed to perfectly suit my interests and dream. After being admitted to this programme, I immediately decided to step in. However, there was a truly hard time when I had only just become one of the students in the School of Chemistry, because I had underestimated the difficulty of the curriculum. I still remember the first time I started learning to use Pymol, trying to figure out every residue and interaction, which was truly frustrating process. But I have to say, I gained a lot when I conquered a difficulty. During the time I spent in Edinburgh, I would like to express my gratitude to Nanna and every member of the Bradley group. I harvested a wonderful memory during the dissertation project in the summer. It made me more confident about myself in terms of researching and inspired my deeper interest and desire to study for a PhD.

Diduo Zhang

Your Experiences Since Leaving the University

Since I did not prepare for any PhD or job application, I had to take a gap year after leaving the University and apply for a PhD or job position. In the very first period, I was declined by several institutes and corporations, which led me to have doubts about my future. After that, I reflected on what I truly love and tried to focus on applying for PhD opportunities in radiopharmaceuticals, the initial interest that led me all the way. I spent approximately a month to complete my application documents, searching for frontier topics, attempting to keep up with the pace. After putting in a lot of effort, opportunities came and knocked at my door. I was admitted by both UBC (University of British Columbia) and St Andrews this spring, and I finally chose UBC because of the preferred research field. I assume that my excellent academic background and all the knowledge and experience I gained at the University provided me with stronger capability and more chances to meet with more professors and grasp the opportunities.

Alumni Wisdom

Difficulties will certainly be waiting for us in the future, never bow down to them, try to adapt to them, and overcome them. In addition, every experience gained in the School will become the ladder to a higher stage, just treasure and enjoy them!